What countries do you ship to?

At this time we only ship to the United States and Canada, we hope to expand our shipping to more countries soon!


Will I get my order in one shipment?

No, not always. We may split an order into multiple shipments for the following reasons:

  • Product packaging. Some of our products are individually packaged to protect their shape and provide extra cushion and durability. The products we’ll always ship separately* are:
    • snapback hats, trucker hats, dad hats/baseball caps, and visors
    • backpacks
    • mugs
    • stickers
    • pillows with stuffing
    • posters
    • framed posters
    • canvas
    • bean bag cases
    • water bottles
    • notebooks
  • Fulfillment location. In our Product Catalog, you’ll see that we fulfill products in multiple locations (e.g., USA, Europe), so if your order consists of products that have different fulfillment locations, we’ll ship the products separately.
  • Multiple shipment orders will have higher shipping costs than single shipment orders. See the final shipping costs at order checkout or read about shipping calculations.

*Note: We calculate the shipping costs for the product categories mentioned here, assuming that they would always ship separately. Occasionally, some of these products can be shipped together with other products, but they would still be charged the shipping fee as a single product.


What is the estimated delivery time and how is it calculated?

Printful’s estimated delivery time (EDT) is our prediction of when an order could be delivered to you. The EDT is the sum of estimated fulfillment and shipping time. Think: estimated fulfillment + estimated shipping = estimated delivery time

Our fulfillment time average is 2–5 business days for all products. When we calculate the estimated fulfillment time, we take into account the current order volume and our capacity.

The estimated shipping time is calculated according to our historical shipping data for deliveries to your area or selling region.

The estimated delivery time is just an estimate, it’s not a guarantee. You can receive the order past the EDT for reasons, like:

  • Issues with design files
  • Products being out of stock
  • Shipping-related delays like failed delivery attempts or service disruptions

We work our hardest to meet our delivery estimates. If you’re ever in a situation where you haven’t received the order and it’s past its estimated delivery time, please allow a few more days. If you still haven’t received your order, get in touch with us at support@printful.com, we’ll check your order status, and let you know how to proceed.


What should I do if it's past the estimated delivery time and I still haven't received my order?

If your order’s estimated delivery time has passed and you still haven’t received it, here’s what you do:

  1. Wait a day or two. Shipments can get delayed for reasons we can’t predict. We understand it’s frustrating to deal with late shipments, but please remember that our estimated delivery time is just an estimate - it’s not a guarantee.
  2. If you still haven’t received your order, get in touch with our customer support team. Let us know about your delayed shipment and we’ll check the latest delivery estimates to your location. Reach us by emailing us at thesobercurator@gmail.com


Will I get charged for customs?


If your order is shipped from a facility that's in a different region than your delivery destination, you might have to pay handling and/or customs fees upon delivery. The customs fees may vary depending on the order value, country limits, etc.

To avoid customs fees, order products that we fulfill close to your delivery region, which is set automatically based on your geo-location. This region can be viewed and adjusted by dropping down the Preferences menu under the globe icon at the top right of the page and selecting Default catalog and delivery preferences


the Preferences menu

We recommend keeping the slider tool on the default “Faster Delivery/Fewer Products” setting to ensure that you are shown products which can be fulfilled close to your location. 


What do I do if my order gets lost or damaged?

If you haven’t received your order or notice an issue with the products, reach out to us via email, and we’ll help you get it solved. Please read our Return Policy for more details.